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Volunteering for CARDS

More than just


Welcome to the home of volunteering for CARDS. Here you can find everything you need to know about the application process and lots of useful stuff for our training.

What does CARDS do?

CARDS builds relationships in your local community with people who are struggling with alcohol and social isolation.

How do we do this?

CARDS supports volunteers to create positive relationships with isolated people that are rewarding for them both. The client chooses what to do during each visit. Common activities include going for a walk, playing music or chess or just having a chat. This relationship provides isolated people with the opportunity to build self-confidence and re-engage with their community.

This simple approach builds self-belief and can encourage positive change in our client’s mental and physical health and improve their ability to build better relationships with others.

Would you like to apply for volunteering?

If you are interested in volunteering, but aren’t sure why not drop us a message here? One of our team will get back to you quickly and answer any questions you have.

How you become a volunteer with CARDS

Everything you need, step by step.

When you become a volunteer for CARDS we have to take every precaution that you will be suited for delivering our vital service in a way which is safe for you and your client. This means that there is a few simple steps to take, but these shouldn’t put you off. Click through the points below to find out what you need to do at each step.

Applications will be acknowledged.  In the meantime you can familiarise yourself with the whole process below. 

STEP 1: Download, complete & return the Application Form

Our application form should only take you a few minutes to complete. You can download it from the link below. You should read the Person Specification and Role Description before you complete and return your application form.

Send your completed Application Form to

References should cover the last two years and if possible, include a recent employer. Where the applicant has not been in employment, other options for professional references should be considered e.g. college, school, other voluntary placement etc. Please do not include family members or their partners or persons under 18.  


STEP 2: Have an interview

Once we have received your application form we will be in touch to interview you.  We will do this by calling you or emailing you to check when you are free.  The interview is a series of questions that we ask so that we can bring up topics of conversation that will give you a better idea of what you need to know about us and about the role.

Our main aim of the interview is to make sure you go away with more information than you came with and so you know enough about us to decide if our values match yours. For ease, fairness and transparency, you can download the interview questions below.



We will process your PVG after your interview is complete.

What is a PVG?
Don’t worry, we get asked this all the time! Protecting Vulnerable Groups is a way of making sure that only the right people are able to support vulnerable people.   

All we need from you at this stage is to email us at with the following 5 pieces of information ;

  • 1 photographic ID – Passport or Driver’s licence are perfect, so long as they have not expired
  • 1 proof of address – a letter from the Council, Bank, Voter’s Registration, NHS letter, etc. as long as it’s from a recognised source and dated within the last 3 months
  • Your date-of-birth. This may not be on the ID you provide
  • Your preferred title – Ms, Miss, Mrs or Mr
  • Whether you are joining the PVG Scheme for the first time or if  have had a PVG membership before.

If you can take photos with your mobile and email them to me, we can get the application in soonest.

You will then be sent a link from Volunteer Scotland that asks you complete an online form within 7 days before the link expires and the rest is done by Volunteer Scotland and Disclosure Scotland.   Your PVG Scheme Certificate will be sent to you directly and a copy of this is also sent to us.   Any help you need with the form just let us know.  We have done hundreds and can help you complete if necessary.  Also if you do not have access to a computer we can sort this for you too! 

STEP 4: Induction Stage One

Following your interview we will move on to a two stage online Induction. The first stage is simply downloading and reading the documents below and watching a few videos.




STEP 5: Induction Stage Two

In Stage Two of your Induction we invite you to a zoom session online usually in the evening from 6pm to 8pm.  Here we will welcome you to the CARDS service, explain how we are funded and give you a bit of context to the documents you have downloaded by talking you through some scenarios.  Again they are available to download now should you wish to prepare. 



STEP 6: Double check references

We will now be checking your references so please contact them to let them know you have put their name down and to expect communication from us. This is typically where we see most of the delays to getting people started so all you can do to move this along is appreciated.

STEP 7: Start volunteering!

There is a few final forms that you need to download, sign and return to us before we can match you with a suitable person. You can download these below.

We can only pair you up with a person who needs your support once we get your approved PVG back from Disclosure Scotland. Our fully-qualified staff will stay in contact with you throughout and answer any questions you might have. This process can take up to 6 weeks from start to finish. So please be patient.



Ongoing supervision and learning support

As a CARDS Volunteer you will need to attend at least one supervision session a month as part of your role. We have made several dates available throughout the year (twice a month), you can either attend a CARDS group supervision or an Adam Burley Supervision session or both. You also have the opportunity for one to one supervision sessions on request.

Group supervision is on the last Thursday of every month via Zoom from 6pm to 7.30pm.  For individual 1 -1 slots text the CARDS phone on 07715082428 with your choice of Tracey, Gillian or David. 

Find out more

Are you ready to begin your induction?

Click here for our Induction page
Go to Induction page

Useful information about volunteering

Ongoing support for learning & development

Volunteer resources & Forms

Covid and volunteering

Getting help from CARDS

Evaluations & reports


Frameworks & Guidance