Volunteer for Rowan Alba’s befriending service, CARDS, and you can end the isolation of someone who has a problematic relationship with alcohol. All you need to do is have a regular conversation. As you talk, you might also learn alot about yourself from them.

Below is several ways you can volunteer for CARDS. All of them can all open up new skills and opportunities. Our volunteering programmes are designed to make a positive impact of real people in only a few hours a week.


Volunteering roles with CARDS

NHS Hospital Link volunteer

Help us build links with people following a health crisis and reduce future hospital admissions

Community volunteer

Get out in the community and help us build links with places that can support our clients

One-to-one befriender

Make a connection with an isolated person who needs support to get back out into society

Art project volunteer

Build on your befriending experience by using your creative side to share the experiences of our clients

NHS Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit Befriender

Help us build links with people whilst they transition from rehab to back home

NHS Volunteering opportunity

Hospital Link Volunteer

About this role

Rowan Alba matches Befriending Volunteers with people who have been admitted to hospital because of alcohol harm, past or present. The Volunteer visits them either in the hospital during their stay or when they are discharged and return home.

Important Information

  • Interviews for this role are being scheduled from now to mid May
  • Inductions will begin in mid May
  • Volunteering will start in June / July
  • Time commitment: 2 hours per week plus travel time for a minimum of 9 months
  • If you are wish to discuss registering an interest but are unsure if the dates above work for you please email Kiera direct

If you would like to volunteer for this role, please use the form below. You can contact our Volunteer Co ordinator Keira directly at kiera.russell@rowanalba.org if you have any questions about the role and/or training.

Volunteering for CARDS is simple

Whether you are ready to jump in and start helping people now, or have questions use this form to get in touch with us. We will get back to you and help you get going.

3 + 5 =

Need to know more?

Our volunteer resources section has everything you will need to know before getting in touch