Volunteering for CARDS


Try these interactive learning exercises to build up your knowledge and professional development.

These high-quality e-modules will support you to build confidence and knowledge during your volunteering with CARDS. Some of the subjects covered in these modules can be traumatic so we recommend that only take them if you are feeling well enough emotionally yourself. 

Virtual learning on Trauma

Course: Understanding our Own Trauma

This is a good starting place in advance of any other e learning if a person has been impacted by current or previous, personal or professional trauma. It is a gentle, helpful resource, that supports us to develop insight, understanding and skills to contain our own previous difficult experiences. It takes 60-90 minutes to complete and can be done in bite size chunks.

Access the course here

Course: Recognising and supporting vicarious trauma | Children in Scotland.

This course relates specifically to vicarious trauma and takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Access the course here

Please note: This course requires you to register with Children in Scotland eLearning Hub

Level 1 and 2 Trauma Training and Staff Wellbeing | NHS

Level 1 and 2 Trauma training can be accessed on the TURAS website. On completion you will receive a certificate to say you have completed the levels undertaken.

Level 1 – Trauma Informed

This level is for all members of the workforce, whether paid or unpaid and involves watching the 2 videos below and discussing the core messages within your teams (approximately 20 minutes)

Access the course here

Please note: This course requires you to register with Turas, the NHS E-Learning Portal

Level 2 – Trauma Skilled

Developing your trauma skilled practice e-learning program has 4 modules. Please complete the foundational module “Developing your trauma skilled practice, level 1” first.

Access the course here

Please note: This course requires you to register with Turas, the NHS E-Learning Portal

Other Resources to support working in a Trauma Informed Way

Window of Tolerance Resources

The Window of Tolerance describes the best state of ‘arousal’ or stimulation in which we are able to function and thrive in everyday life. When people are within this zone, they are typically able to readily receive, process, and integrate information and otherwise respond to the demands of everyday life without much difficulty.

The impact of psychological trauma on our window of tolerance (WOT) – Jennie Young (Link to video on Vimeo)
The Window of tolerance of organisations, services and systems – Jennie Young (Link to video on Vimeo)


Keeping up to date on the Knowledge Hub Group

The Knowledge Hub has a range of useful resources for professionals across Scotland including The Improvement Service and National Trauma Training Programme Newsletter.

Sign up for free by clicking here


National Trauma Transformation Programme

Understanding Our Own Trauma (Access Code TARTAN)


A Roadmap for Creating Trauma-Informed and Responsive Change Guidance for Organisations, Systems and Workforces in Scotland

Access resource here


Supporting Wellbeing E-Learning modules for staff, managers and for understanding our own trauma

Access resource here


National Wellbeing Hub

An online resource providing access to information and resources to support mental wellbeing for those working within the Health & Social Care workforce

Access resource here


Preventing Self-harm and Suicide Learning Resources

Mental health and suicide prevention – Skilled 
Children and Young People

Virtual learning on Motivational Interviewing

NES MI training resources

Practitioners need to create an account for themselves at https://learn.nes.nhs.scot/ using the ‘Register’ button in the top right hand corner. Once they have an account they will be able to access the MI elearning and the MI Edinburgh Interview Learning Programme.

NES Training Resources Outline


Online training seminars and In-person MI Training Courses

To find out dates and apply to a course, go to the NES Portal page at https://portal.scot.nhs.uk and search for Motivational Interviewing.

Other Resources on Motivational Interviewing

Supporting substance use, trauma and mental health workforce development resources in Scotland

Access resource here


Free Motivational Interviewing in Brief Conversations course by the Scottish Drugs Forum

Access resource here


Supporting Wellbeing E-Learning modules for staff, managers and for understanding our own trauma

Access resource here

ARBD E-Learning

A free online course on Grey Matters, ARBD and older adults. It has two separate courses that last about an hour each. They are a mix of text, short videos and short quizzes along with some diagrams. At the end is a quiz which you can redo if you don’t like the score. Click the link below, then follow the link to the DYSGU Portal, where you will need to register. After you have completed the course you can even download a certificate!


BAROD E-Learning Portal

Ask, Tell – Save A Life: Every Life Matters

This animation explores the issue of suicide, including statistics and facts about suicide in Scotland. It helps learners understand the signs that people may be thinking about suicide, and how and when to provide immediate help and support.

You should watch this before you take any of the e-modules on suicide.


Watch the film here

Developing your trauma skilled practice

NHS e-module in line with the Trauma Skilled practice level of the Scottish Transforming Psychological Trauma Framework, “Developing your trauma skilled practice”, is designed to:

  1. Increase learners’ understanding of traumatic events and the different ways that people can be affected by them and
  2. Help learners recognise where the impact of trauma might influence their work with people affected by trauma

There are 5 learning units plus assessment, and the module is designed to take 1-2 hours to complete. If you are not already registered with TURAS you will need to register before you can take the module.


Access the module here

Register for TURAS

Suicide prevention e-module

NHS e-module in line with the Trauma Skilled practice level of the Scottish Transforming Psychological Trauma Framework, “Developing Public Health England ‘Staying Safe’ training which equips trainees with the skills to pull together a safety plan for people with thoughts of suicide. There are 3 videos, with a quiz after each to reinforce learning. You will need to register with TURAS to access the module. Once registered you can access the videos plus quiz.

The module  has 3 animations (including the 5 minute one focussed on suicide prevention) on: 

  • Mental Wellbeing 
  • Active Listening 
  • Suicide Prevention 

Each has a quiz after it to reinforce the learning. The 3 animations plus quiz take 20-25mins. They are the basics of mental wellbeing, active listening & suicide prevention.

Please be aware that this training has the capacity to be traumatic and emotive. Take time to reflect that you feel emotionally well enough to undertake it. It may be adviseable to have someone else with you or even to undertake it with someone else. 


Access the module here

Register for TURAS

Zero Suicide Alliance e-learning

This 3 part training e-module provides a range of awareness training options, which provide a better understanding of the signs to look out for and the skills required to approach someone who is struggling, whether that be through social isolation or suicidal thoughts. 

Completion of the 3 modules allows you to download a certificate that can be used for your CPD record.

Please be aware that this training has the capacity to be traumatic and emotive. Take time to reflect that you feel emotionally well enough to undertake it. It may be adviseable to have someone else with you or even to undertake it with someone else. 


Access the module here

Useful information about volunteering

Ongoing support for learning & development

Volunteer resources & Forms

Covid and volunteering

Getting help from CARDS

Evaluations & reports


Frameworks & Guidance