…and there is plenty for all at RLC to reflect on, and celebrate 😊
Last month we launched our Trauma Informed Practice for Frontline staff training, 2 days of reflecting on real work practice, checking in with our current skills and knowledge, and seeing how they match up to the NHS National Trauma Training Framework.
The aim of the 2 days was to introduce staff, and volunteers, from a variety of organisations to our ‘5 Key Skills’ model of working, which when followed allow individuals to recognise which aspects of their own current work practice meets the ‘Trauma Skilled’ level of the NHS Trauma Framework.
Being reflective learners ourselves at RLC, with feedback from workers and survivors having shaped the development of the training so far, both qualitative and quantative feedback was gathered to find out the impact on attendees afterwards.
Attendees found they were 50% more confident in individuals they worked with being able to take the lead in their own support, and to identify their own ‘problems’ and find solutions to these.
They were also 70% more aware of aspects of support, such as policies, procedures and their own practice, which can cause re-traumatisation.
We learned that staff feel there is a need for much more regular access to reflective practise situations to help manage their own responses to working in high stress environments.
We also learned that smaller groups create a ‘safer’ and more constructive environment.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of the 2 days was watching staff use the ‘5 Key Skills’ on each other in practise sessions, and seeing some of them supported to find solutions to real issues they had been experiencing in their work roles. This is precisely why we believe that Trauma Informed Practice, from top to bottom of an organisation, truly benefits everyone.
Or to put it in the words of attendees
The 5 skills allow workers, and residents, to build positive relationships
It utilised the experiences of everyone in the room to make each learning point relatable to the individual.
Stimulating, informative and above all, inclusive.
This was the best training I have attended in a long time and have recommended to anyone who will listen!
I feel privileged to have been a participant in this course.
To attend the next 2 day course in late January, or to arrange for delivery to your staff team, please contact ewan.law@rowanalba.org
For more information check out the flyer
 Cost is £200 per person, group discount rate applies.