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About Stramullion

Stramullion’s aim is to support women both emotionally and practically to obtain tenancy’s, learn life skills, be independent, gain confidence and meet new people. Stramullion staff can offer support to enable each woman to build the personal skills and resources they feel they need – equipping them to move on from homelessness in a positive, healthy and self directed way.

How does Stramullion work?

We provide transitional housing for up to 10 women – there is 24-hour on-site support if needed. Each woman has a dedicated key-worker and based on their own identified needs, a personal support plan is developed, in partnership. We can signpost to services and we walk alongside them on a journey to stable emotional wellbeing. Though a lot of the time is simply spent chatting, and getting to know each other better.

Key facts

  • Located in Pilton, Edinburgh
  • Women’s centre
  • 24hr supported accommodation
  • Focus on life skills and independent living such as managing a tenancy

Wendy’s experience of Stramullion

Stramullion case study

Sarah was 23 years old when she found herself facing homelessness, after a relationship breakdown with her partner, which resulted in her being asked to leave the flat. Sarah was left with no other option but to seek help from the emergency housing services at the Council.

She had arrived in Edinburgh only a few months previously from the West Coast and had no friends, job or anyone she knew that could help me. She was placed in a B&B as this was the only emergency accommodation available for her- she was frightened and unsure of her future from one day to the next.

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She was then offered a space at Stramullion. She was apprehensive as she made her way to the project- as she had never been in this situation before. However, as soon as she stepped through the doors she felt welcomed. Sarah said the staff were warm and friendly- she felt at ease and homelier than her B&B. The staff talked her through the entire process and by the end of the first day She felt so much better than she ever could have imagined.

She stayed at Stramullion for just over a year and in that time, she made friends, found a job within childcare services and Sarah’s self-confidence increased massively. She enjoyed the weekly key work sessions with staff and she would regularly join in with the activities organised communally.

Sarah stated she really felt at home in the project, but she knew that this was only a stepping stone. When Sarah was offered her own tenancy, she was happy, but felt sad to be leaving the place that she called home.

“These women (staff) who had supported me and helped me so much at a time when I really needed it. The staff supported me through the whole process of leaving, helping me get things I needed, and I even have follow on support in my new home. I am so grateful to all the staff and for the time I spent at Stramullion it has helped me become the strong and independent woman I am today”

How we apply our 3 principles to Stramullion


We accept each woman, whatever her background. We walk alongside them on a journey to stable emotional wellbeing. Though a lot of the time is simply spent chatting, and getting to know each other better.


Stramullion staff can offer support to enable each woman to build the personal skills and resources they feel they need – equipping them to move on from homelessness in a positive, healthy and self directed way.


We include all women in communal living and learning. Cooking, walking, watching films, planting seeds. The women who live here, and the staff, grow from each others experience, wisdom and skills. 


Stramullion is powered by amazing volunteers, like you!

If you are interested in the work we do at Stramullion, volunteering for us could be a great way to make a real difference to the people in our community.
Just send us an email through the form below and our Volunteering team will get back to you.

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