Housing Support Perth

Stable homes

one-to-one support perth


Our support workers accept each person as they are. Everyone we support has a situation unique to them, and understanding this from their perspective is key to building a relationship that feels safe to them. A relationship of true acceptance can be the building block for people to live a more stable and independent life.


We share weekly support sessions with people, and these are built around their own, self identified, needs. Our first step in supporting people is to listen, and understand how their world is for them. We agree together what they would like support with, championing their right to make choices and identify their own priorities. This support builds the foundations for long term stability, through change.


Our support invites people to include us in decisions about their lives and support needs. This truly person centered approach increases self-esteem, resulting in people feeling more able, on their own terms, to engage with their community.


  • Managing, and maintaining, a home
  • Managing money
  • Self care & living skills

Meet the team

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Stacey Clephane, Support Worker

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Jodie Strong, Support Worker

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Janice Muir, Support Worker

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Sharon Nicoll, Support Worker