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About us

Our People

The diverse expertise and experience of our Board and Leadership team gives us an innovative approach to tackling issues around homelessness and delivering our services in the best way possible.

Our Leadership Team


Karen Barr


Ann Logan


Tracey Stewart


Declan McKiernan


Emma Henderson

Our Board

Board Member

Calum Wilson

I’m delighted to be involved with Rowan Alba and to contribute to the great work that the organisation does. Life can change in an instant and the support, understanding and compassion shown by the Rowan Alba team is invaluable. Homelessness is very real for so many people and for so many different reasons that tailored support on the path to a fulfilling life is essential.

I look forward to working with my colleagues and using my experience to contribute to the continuing success of Rowan Alba while always looking at opportunities to further improve and potentially grow the services we offer.


Board Member

Margaret Nethery

I felt drawn towards the values of Rowan Alba having heard of the great work that they do, the lives they have changed and the compassion shown. Hopefully my experience in the advertising, marketing and fundraising world will help publicise this and facilitate much needed funding. Experience on charity boards over the years will, I trust, enable me to give assistance in governance. Life can change in an instant and to be able to help where this happens is a privilege.
Board Member

Bill Robertson

Being attracted to Rowan Alba wasn’t difficult. The mission, values and history struck a chord. I had been looking for a opportunity to give something back and this just seemed perfect.

My experiences in life, good and bad, have given a perspective that the best thing you can do is enable people to help themselves. Rowan Alba does that but within a structured support framework. I want to help Rowan Alba develop and widen its reach helping a much greater number of people.

I often come across quotes that make me stop and think. Of them all I prefer Simon Sinek’s – “Value is something people feel, not something we tell them they get.”

Board Member

Peter Freer

I have worked in the different areas of the social housing sector in Scotland for around 15 years.  This has involved working for RBS, The Scottish Housing Regulator and The Scottish Government.  I currently work for a finance company that focuses on supporting charities and social impact businesses in raising funding to support growth ambitions. 

I was keen to use this experience to support a charity that was making a difference in society and was an easy decision to do this with Rowan Alba. I won’t to be able to help the business ensure it carries on all its fantastic work and also look to grow the services we offer. 

Board Member

Dawn Dickson

I am a solicitor with 24 years’ experience representing clients in employment, human resources and litigation matters across a variety of sectors. Throughout this time I have continually had a strong focus on improving local communities by leading on volunteering and charitable initiatives at my firm.

I wanted to be involved with Rowan Alba as it benefits a cause I really believe in and helps those who may otherwise be misunderstood. Working with the organisation provides an opportunity to truly help those faced with homelessness. I’m looking forward to being able to use my skills to support the organisation in its important and excellent work.